Abstract Guideline

Submission of abstract and selection of presentation category

Each presenter (oral or poster session) must submit an abstract for the presentation before 31 January 2024 to the IWEMM11 registration office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
When submitting your abstract, please indicate your preference for presenting in either the oral or poster session. International Scientific Committee of the IWEMM11 will select contributors for the oral session, based on the peer review of the submitted abstracts. Authors will be informed around on 20 February, 2024 about this decision.

Abstract guidelines

  1. Abstracts should be written in size 12 font, Times New Roman, in Word files (.docx or .doc format; A4 size, margin 2.5 cm).
  2. English is the official language.
  3. Titles must contain a maximum of 20 words and be written in bold capital letters, except for Latin names, e.g. Lactarius deliciosus that should be in italics.
  4. Author's names should start with the first name, if relevant followed by the middle name, then followed by the surname in lower case letters.
  5. Affiliations should be in italics and lower case.
  6. The name of the presenting author should be underlined.
  7. An email address for the presenting author should be provided.
  8. Five to seven key words should be provided. The key words should be written in lower case letters.
  9. The body of the summary should start with a brief introductory sentence or two, containing background information about the work. It should then summarize the work that was done and outline the importance of the major findings. At the end, a conclusion of the work should be included.
  10. The entire body of the summary (of no more than 250 words, excluding title, names, affiliations and key words) should be written in a single paragraph.
  11. Finally, the main topic of the research should be included, according to the list of topics.


  • Biodiversity, evolution, taxonomy and distribution
  • Habitats, productivity and mycosilviculture
  • Genetic and Genomics
  • Ecology and Physiology
  • Biotechnology
  • Harvest management
  • Bioactive compounds
  • Cultural and Economic importance
  • Traditional knowledge
  • Sustainability and Climate change
  • Conservation
  • Cultivation
  • Food security and health
  • Mycotourism and mycogastronomy

See the following abstract example 

Instructions for oral presentations

  1. All oral presentations must be in English. There will be no simultaneous translation available.
  2. It will be highly appreciated if you can speak slowly and clearly throughout your presentation to help those who are not fluent English speakers.
  3. All oral presentations should be prepared as a PowerPoint or PDF file, which should be sent to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or alternatively shared by file transfer, one week before the IWEMM11, i.e. April 15, 2024. This will prevent any compatibility problem.
  4. The duration of the oral presentations will be indicated in February 2024 but is likely to be a maximum of 20 minutes, including the time required for questions or discussion following your talk. Please adhere strictly to the time allocated for your presentation.
  5. Microphones will be available to facilitate the discussion.

Poster guidelines

  1. Posters should have a portrait orientation and be no more than 90 cm width x 120 cm length.
  2. English is the official language for posters.
  3. Although you are completely free to display your research information on your poster, it is highly advisable to avoid excessive text, for example the following proportions are advised: 20% text, 50% graphics and 30% space. Please leave enough blank space around your text.
  4. The title should be placed at the top along with the authors, email addresses and institution names.
  5. Prepare all text to be readable at a distance of 2 m. For example, the following sizes are advised: title 85 points, authors 48 points, sub-headings 36 points, body text 24 points, and captions 18 points.
  6. Organize your information to be self-explanatory.
  7. Include in a clear manner the background information, results and conclusions of your research.

Poster setup and competition

Poster session room will be available throughout the days of IWEMM11. Poster presenters can set up their posters in the morning of 22 April, and must remove them before evening of 26 April. Time slot of poster sessions and assigned poster numbers will be informed. IWEMM11 staff will provide masking tape or sticky tape to hang your posters on available boards.
Poster presenters should answer the questions and discuss them with the conference participants. There will be a Poster Competition, and the winner will be announced during the Closing Ceremony. The winner will be awarded a certificate and a gift. The jury will be composed of distinguished members of the International Scientific Committee of the IWEMM11.


Poster presentations

All posters will be exposed from Monday 22nd to Friday 26th (at ‘Melipal Cultural Center’), to allow plenty of time for poster viewing.Attended poster presentations, where poster authors are expected to be present to explain and discuss their work with interested attendees, are scheduled between 16:00 and 17:00 from Monday to Friday.

We encourage all attendees to actively engage and support presenters during these poster sessions with friendly interaction.Your poster notation for the event will be available during the Congress registration. Accepted late-breaking abstracts will receive notations later, after the review period for these abstracts.

Preparing your poster

Posters will be displayed in portrait format.The dimensions of the poster should be 90 cm wide x 120 cm high.Abstract title, author(s) and affiliation(s) should appear at the top of the poster. The content should be readable from a distance of 2 m.

Poster printing

To mitigate the inconvenience of transporting your poster and the risk of damage or loss, the organizing committee is pleased to provide onsite printing services. Simply email us your poster, and we will handle the printing. You can then conveniently collect it at the onsite poster helpdesk.

Authors interested in utilizing the printing service should send their posters in PDF format (highquality for printing) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject "POSTER PRINTING". Once we receive your poster, our team will review it, and we will confirm with you accordingly.The deadline for receiving submissions for the service is April 15th. The cost for this printing service is $15 or $25 USD, depending on the chosen paper quality.